We offer comprehensive midwifery care throughout the childbearing year. This includes preconception visits, prenatal care, homebirth, postpartum care, and newborn care. We welcome families into care at any point during pregnancy up until 36 weeks of pregnancy. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, families will be accepted into care on a case by case basis.
Prenatal CareWe offer hour-long prenatal visits which allows us to thoroughly address your unique physical and emotional needs, and also allows us time to develop a strong and trusting relationship. In your visits you will be offered all the routine tests and screenings that you'd have access to in a hospital based practice. After reviewing your options, together we will decide which of these are right for you. You will have direct access to a midwife for any urgent needs, 24/7.
HomebirthWe will join you in the comforts of your home to support you as you work to bring your baby earthside. We invite you to eat, drink, and move freely as you labor in the comforts of your home surrounded by the people you have chosen to be present to support you. We will work with you and your support team to help promote both progress and comfort during your birthing time. We provide complimentary portable birth tubs to all families in our care that desire a waterbirth. I
Postpartum & Newborn CareAt each of your postpartum and newborn visits, we will check in on both the physical and emotional well-being of you and your baby as you discover your new normal. During these visits we will offer the standard newborn screenings, lactation support, monitor your baby's growth, and discuss helpful resources to support your family as you adjust to life with baby earthside. If all is well with your baby, we can provide well-baby care through the first 6 weeks of life.
Photo by Earthside Studios + Support| Earthside Studios + Support
Care schedule
Complimentary Consult
We offer a complimentary consult where we can ask each other questions and decide if we’re a good fit for one another for care this pregnancy. This consult can happen both virtually or in person depending upon your preference.
Initial Prenatal Visit
This visit takes place between 10-12 weeks (or later, if you are transferring care from another provider). At this visit, we review your health history and discuss the tests and screenings that are offered in pregnancy. Together, we’ll choose which of those tests and screens to run in order to have the best picture of your overall health. We’ll provide education regarding nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations specific to your health picture in order to best support you and your growing baby. We will obtain your vitals and will listen for your baby's heartbeat.
We get see each other throughout your pregnancy:
-Every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
-Every 2 weeks from 28 weeks to 36 weeks
-Every week from 36 weeks until you go into labor
With the exception of the 36-week visit, prenatal visits happen in our office space located in West Saint Paul, MN. In home prenatal care can be accommodated for an additional travel fee.
Labor and Birth Support
Throughout pregnancy we discuss when to call in labor. We’ll check in frequently in labor and decide together when it’s time for me to come to your home. I always bring a second midwife from the community with me to assist as needed at your birth. After we arrive we will stay until a few hours after your baby is born, making sure that you both are stable, fed, healthy and well. Before we leave we will go over detailed postpartum instructions and reasons to call. I remain on-call for you even after your baby is born.
Postpartum, Lactation, and Newborn Care
We come back to your home and check-in on you and baby sometime between 24-36 hours after birth, again between 3-5 days postpartum, again between 2-3 weeks, and your final visit takes place in the office at 6 weeks postpartum. We are happy to provide additional visits within the first 6 weeks as needed.
We offer a complimentary consult where we can ask each other questions and decide if we’re a good fit for one another for care this pregnancy. This consult can happen both virtually or in person depending upon your preference.
Initial Prenatal Visit
This visit takes place between 10-12 weeks (or later, if you are transferring care from another provider). At this visit, we review your health history and discuss the tests and screenings that are offered in pregnancy. Together, we’ll choose which of those tests and screens to run in order to have the best picture of your overall health. We’ll provide education regarding nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations specific to your health picture in order to best support you and your growing baby. We will obtain your vitals and will listen for your baby's heartbeat.
We get see each other throughout your pregnancy:
-Every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
-Every 2 weeks from 28 weeks to 36 weeks
-Every week from 36 weeks until you go into labor
With the exception of the 36-week visit, prenatal visits happen in our office space located in West Saint Paul, MN. In home prenatal care can be accommodated for an additional travel fee.
Labor and Birth Support
Throughout pregnancy we discuss when to call in labor. We’ll check in frequently in labor and decide together when it’s time for me to come to your home. I always bring a second midwife from the community with me to assist as needed at your birth. After we arrive we will stay until a few hours after your baby is born, making sure that you both are stable, fed, healthy and well. Before we leave we will go over detailed postpartum instructions and reasons to call. I remain on-call for you even after your baby is born.
Postpartum, Lactation, and Newborn Care
We come back to your home and check-in on you and baby sometime between 24-36 hours after birth, again between 3-5 days postpartum, again between 2-3 weeks, and your final visit takes place in the office at 6 weeks postpartum. We are happy to provide additional visits within the first 6 weeks as needed.
Photo by Kyra Lee Photography | Kyra Lee Photography